You're invited to join Madeline Evergreen's exclusive Career Mastermind starting January, 2026
A small group, 6 monthlong mastermind for career focused individuals who want to increase their income or advance their career.
For people in any type of career who are burnt out, stressed, unmotivated, or frusterated in their career and want to recreate their reality so they are thriving in their career and are capable of making more money or increasing their level of impact in an aligned, healthy, sustainable way according to their own human design.
Human Design is a tool for high performance.
You have so much potential just waiting to come out. When you understand and emody your human design, you transform your life into something more amazing than you can even imagine.
Most of your hours are spent on your career, and a deep sense of purpose is tied into your work.
Imagine a life where your career is truly a reflection of YOU. It feels and looks like a representation of who you are on the inside. The best clients, customers, opportunities, income is all magnetized towards you because you are truly showing up in the most on purpose, authentic way that your soul chose for this lifetime.
You've tried copying other's careers, adopting someone else's strategy or habits, or emulating another successful person's traits... all without much success. This either leads you to burnout or attracts the wrong people and opportunities into your world.
Instead of doing what works for other people, you can find the answers from within.
Inside this Mastermind, you'll be guided on how to use YOUR human design to craft the career of your wildest dreams. You'll be supported and encouraged by Madeline and your peers and will never feel lost or alone.
A Look Inside the Mastermind
In our twice monthly meetings, each member will present their major struggles in their career/business and Madeline will provide coaching on how to reframe or change the situation so that it aligns with their own personal Human Design chart. Madeline can tell you if certain behaviors, perspectives, schedules, habits, mindsets, and motivations are in or out of alignment with your design. When working your job or running a business in an out of alignment fashion, you put up blocks to increased income or traffic to your business and cause a deep sense of unfulfillment. Ultimately this means more stress and unhappiness for you, and less income or impact on the world. The longer you continue out of alignment, the worse it gets.
You will be expected to implement changes into your life or mindset to get your career more in alignment in between meetings and will be followed up with in between calls. In other words, you will be encouraged to get out of your comfort zone and PRACTICE what you're learning throughout the course of this mastermind. Going through change and transformation can be uncomfortable and scary, however in order to gain success from this mastermind you must be a person prepared for some adjustments.
You will also benefit greatly from the other members’ coaching sessions. You'll be encouraged to participate, ask questions and learn from the other members’ sessions and career situations as well.
Being in a group of like minded, motivated, inspirational peers is a priceless experience that you cannot get from private, 1:1 coaching.
The Mastermind is NOT for everyone.
This is NOT for people who are unemployed or job hunting, hate their work, have zero income in their business, or are thinking of starting a business. These are all valid phases in life, but not a good fit for the Mastermind.
This is NOT for people who want business or career COACHING on topics such as how to set up a website, how much to charge for your product, how to hire, HR issues, legal consulting, marketing and sales training… You must already have knowledge or external resources on how to do your job or run your business.
This is NOT for people who want ongoing, in depth Human Design education. Madeline will coach you by using your Human Design chart, and teach you what you need to know along the way. But this is NOT a Human Design training program.
Hear what Madeline's clients have to say:
How much does it cost?
The mistake most people make in life is thinking that everything should be hard. That you need to struggle your way to success. Your job and career should be painful and it's normal to dislike your work.
But what is that costing you?
If you keep spending your work weeks miserable, you're missing out on life!
A miserable work life quickly turns into health problems, excess weight gain, pain, depression, anxiety, and a low frequency.
Have you ever seen someone who LOVES their job? They thrive on work and look forward to going back after the weekend or a vacation? This could be you too!!
Ask yourself how much it's costing you to stay unhappy in your career? Are you missing out on spending time with your family, having enough income to do all the things you want, and feel pride in how you spend most of your hours?
The mistake most people make is thinking the "do-it-yourself" route is cheaper. Watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, and reading books on mindset and career. What they don't take into account is how slow or frustrating that can be.
Or worse...
... you spend hours searching consuming content, but you cannot see your blind spots and have no idea why you're not progressing.
You're a busy professional and don't have time to spend on all this DIY learning.
This is where working with a coach can make all the difference!
Madeline will coach you on how to craft your career into one you LOVE by guiding you with your Human Design. She can see your blindspots and will lovingly help you work through those.
So next, people just say "I'll just sign up for a one on one human design appointment!"
Which is possible! You can absolutely book one private appointment… but transformation takes time. If you just meet once, you'll be off on your own trying to figure this all out. You will miss out on the encouragement and follow up from a 6 month container. You'll miss out on the massive downloads and breakthroughs from the other students who will teach you more than you can even imagine.
Successful people invest in themselves. The know it takes an outside perspective from an expert and a commitment for anything to improve in their life, whether it's a career, relationship or health. Skip all the time, energy and money spent on experimentation.
This is your chance to learn from Madeline so you can have amazing, aligned career in as soon as possible.
Madeline is a master at teaching groups and facilitating transformation and can help you get into alignment so you can transform your career into your wildest dreams.
See the pricing below👇
Mastermind Pricing Options
Pay in Full
One time investment. Apply for a spot below:
6 Month Payment Plan
$650 Monthly
6 Monthly Payments. Apply for a spot below:
Get on the Waitlist for the next round opening January 2026
Those on the waitlist will be notified first when doors open for application!
Do I have to have a certain type of career to be in this mastermind?
Why are spots limited?
When are the calls?
Do I have to understand my Human Design before the mastermind starts?
I'm not interested in career, but I do want help with other areas of my life. Can I join?
Why not just book 1 on 1 appointments instead of the Mastermind?
What will the calls be like?
Will all the members be earning at the same income level?
Which Human Design topics will I learn?
Join the Career Mastermind
Madeline Evergreen is a 4/6, Manifesting Generator in human design. This means she loves to explore tons of different interests from breathwork to ballroom dance, nutrition, acro yoga, art, gardening, group fitness, and so much more.
When she first learned about human design, she was hooked. Learning about her own chart allowed her to stop judging herself for bouncing from hobby to hobby and become more authentic in all her life decisions. When she learned about the charts of all her family and friends she was able to let go of judgement and fully accept them for who they truly are.
Human design started out as one of those hobbies that Madeline became addicted to. After months and months of personal study, she became a trained Human Design reader and started teaching classes and working 1:1 with clients.

Learning about the concepts of manifestation within the human design charts turned Madeline’s life upside down (in the best way!) Her life long health struggles practically disappeared, she started attracting incredible surprises, opportunities and things, and she’s living happier than she ever has before. This is all to do with applying what she’s learned about manifestation and human design. And she can show you how to do this in your life too.
Madeline is a natural at reading human design charts. She is able to make the information clear, easy to understand, and applicable to real life. She’s deeply fulfilled and lit up by every single reading she’s done so far.
Anyone who has their chart read by Madeline is blown away by the volume of information they learn. People feel incredibly validated and have a deeper understanding of their purpose, why they have certain behaviors, and how to make decisions moving forward.
If you have ever tried to understand your chart but are lost in all the shapes, arrows and lines… you will love learning from Madeline. She will make it all so clear and easy to understand.
Madeline is also the host of wildly successful podcast, The Beginner’s Guide to Human Design, where she teaches the basics of human design in a way that people can actually understand. She is a total master at teaching groups and deciphering information so you can use it in a practical way in real life.
If you’ve enjoyed learning from Madeline on her podcast, in a reading, or a workshop, you will LOVE learning from her in this program.