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"I got so much out of this amazing program and my life is absolutely before-and-after. I'll continue to learn all this precious information I've got from the program and will practice my design. Throughout the course I had a tons of synchronicity: whenever I had a question I got immediately or little later a direct answer from the program: either from the lessons, coaching, or hot seats. It was pretty cool! :D And the amazing Breathwork, wow! I just simply can't imagine my life without it anymore. There's no words to describe how grateful I am for it! All these painful areas went through a fantastic and purifying process and had a major shift during these months: I have so much more clarity now and a huge load of inspiration to everything. You are one of my great teachers and my life is literally before-and-after with Manifest With Madeline. As a person you are a great source of inspiration for me and I thank Universe that you exist!"
- Kristiina Brecher